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Insightful and riveting.

A graphic memoir that documents Rose’s experience growing up in a cult.

Rose spent most of her childhood with her mother in the Temple, in San Diego, located down the road from the compound of Heaven’s Gate, whose members took part in a mass suicide in 1997. Selectively mute, young Amy is under the control of the manipulative, abusive Leader. Chain-smoking and wearing a perpetual scowl, the Leader dislikes children, using them only when they are considered beneficial. Separated from her father and siblings, Amy sees little of her ailing mother, spending her days doing chores and caring for the children of potential members who arrive for free yoga classes. Cut off from most outside influences, Amy loves books and is delighted when she finds the Leader’s secret library. When the Leader deems her too much trouble and gives her away to a kind, childless couple who attend yoga classes but don’t live at the Temple, Amy experiences the outside world—and the public library—for the first time. Finally, as an adult, she makes sense of her past with the benefit of hindsight. Her journey is harrowing, filled with moments of acute misery juxtaposed against flashes of unabashed joy. Lee’s black-and-white manga-styled art is dazzling, with keenly detailed facial expressions, adding evocative depth to the story. Because the story is told mainly through a child’s perspective, some details (what illness Amy's mother had, why her father never came for her) are omitted. All characters present White.

Insightful and riveting. (Graphic memoir. 10-14)

Pub Date: May 2, 2023

ISBN: 9781638991090

Page Count: 176

Publisher: Iron Circus Comics

Review Posted Online: Feb. 24, 2023

Kirkus Reviews Issue: March 15, 2023

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A rich and deeply felt slice of life.

Crafting fantasy worlds offers a budding middle school author relief and distraction from the real one in this graphic memoir debut.

Everyone in Tori’s life shows realistic mixes of vulnerability and self-knowledge while, equally realistically, seeming to be making it up as they go. At least, as she shuttles between angrily divorced parents—dad becoming steadily harder to reach, overstressed mom spectacularly incapable of reading her offspring—or drifts through one wearingly dull class after another, she has both vivacious bestie Taylor Lee and, promisingly, new classmate Nick as well as the (all-girl) heroic fantasy, complete with portals, crystal amulets, and evil enchantments, taking shape in her mind and on paper. The flow of school projects, sleepovers, heart-to-heart conversations with Taylor, and like incidents (including a scene involving Tori’s older brother, who is having a rough adolescence, that could be seen as domestic violence) turns to a tide of change as eighth grade winds down and brings unwelcome revelations about friends. At least the story remains as solace and, at the close, a sense that there are still chapters to come in both worlds. Working in a simple, expressive cartoon style reminiscent of Raina Telgemeier’s, Sharp captures facial and body language with easy naturalism. Most people in the spacious, tidily arranged panels are White; Taylor appears East Asian, and there is diversity in background characters.

A rich and deeply felt slice of life. (afterword, design notes) (Graphic memoir. 10-13)

Pub Date: May 18, 2021

ISBN: 978-0-316-53889-3

Page Count: 320

Publisher: Little, Brown

Review Posted Online: March 30, 2021

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 15, 2021

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From the Friends series , Vol. 3

A likable journey that is sensitive to the triumphs and agonies of being a 13-year-old girl.

Shannon just wants to get through eighth grade in one piece—while feeling like her own worst enemy.

In this third entry in popular author for young people Hale’s graphic memoir series, the young, sensitive overachiever is crushed by expectations: to be cool but loyal to her tightknit and dramatic friend group, a top student but not a nerd, attractive to boys but true to her ideals. As events in Shannon’s life begin to overwhelm her, she works toward finding a way to love and understand herself, follow her passions for theater and writing, and ignore her cruel inner voice. Capturing the visceral embarrassments of middle school in 1987 Salt Lake City, Shannon’s emotions are vivid and often excruciating. In particular, the social norms of a church-oriented family are clearly addressed, and religion is shown as being both a comfort and a struggle for Shannon. While the text is sometimes in danger of spelling things out a little too neatly and obviously, the emotional honesty and sincerity drawn from Hale’s own life win out. Pham’s artwork is vibrant and appealing, with stylistic changes for Shannon’s imaginings and the leeching out of color and use of creative panel structures as her anxiety and depression worsen.

A likable journey that is sensitive to the triumphs and agonies of being a 13-year-old girl. (author's note, gallery) (Graphic memoir. 10-14)

Pub Date: Aug. 31, 2021

ISBN: 978-1-250-31755-1

Page Count: 320

Publisher: First Second

Review Posted Online: June 10, 2021

Kirkus Reviews Issue: July 1, 2021

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