This breakneck-paced sequel to 2013’s The Stormglass Protocol continues the adventures of a 14-year old California boy who’s an undercover agent-in-training for Stormglass, a secret organization keeping the world safe from evil.
As the novel begins, Jake Goodis is entangled in typical teenage drama: at school, a bunch of bullies are picking on him and a mean teacher is seemingly out to make his life miserable. However, all that pales in comparison to the trouble he soon finds himself in while working for Stormglass. When his social studies class goes on a field trip to witness the auction of an old trunk owned by Nikola Tesla—“the single greatest inventor the world has ever known!” according to his teacher—Jake witnesses someone stealing the contents of the trunk and sets off to catch the thief. The police, however, believe Jake is the criminal and attempt to apprehend him. Thus begins a breathtaking, globe-trotting chase that leads Jake and his fellow spies to Serbia, Thailand, and ultimately a remote chain of islands in the Indian Ocean, where Jake attempts to locate a Tesla-created machine that could literally destroy the world. This novel is very much comparable to espionage thrillers for adult readers, and it has all the right elements: a knotty storyline, relentless pacing, plot twists around every turn, cutting-edge spy gear, and a hero who’s relatable and endearing. The addition of the Tesla back story and all the details of the scientist’s life and work give the narrative an engaging historical undertone, and the later inclusion of a pop star as a peripheral character gives the story a decidedly cool vibe.
A fast-paced, fun, and undeniably entertaining novel (and series), recommended for young and old spy-thriller aficionados.