Set in Japan, a deeply felt variant on a classic theme that more often ends in tragedy. Prince Mainichi and his beautiful princess, Ichinichi, are perfectly happy until the prince is mesmerized by a dwarf they have welcomed into their palace. The flute the dwarf plays becomes a drum, turning their dance into rampant destruction that extends from palace to garden while the princess begs her husband to ``Stop these evil games!'' The dwarf's enticements become more nightmarish; growing to giant size, he resembles a leering cabaret clown from 1930's Berlin. Ichinichi is chased away, but just as Mainichi is about to be overwhelmed by the now-terrifying dwarf's malice she returns, in disguise, to save him. Peace again reigns but—in an enigmatic conclusion—other visitors await outside the palace. Rich in color and complex designs reflecting the story's cycle from happiness to disorder and back to serenity, these illustrations mark a new departure for this fine illustrator, their allusive power reinforcing the Faustian subtext—which will be of most interest to adults. Meanwhile, for children, a beautifully illustrated tale about a man bewitched, brought back to himself by his wife's courage and ingenuity. (Picture book. 5+)