Uniting the three countries of North America is the majestic, jewellike monarch butterfly.
This engaging book highlights the fascinating life cycle of these striking insects and follows the nearly 3,000-mile kaleidoscopic journey millions of monarchs make from Canada and the United States to central Mexico. The flow of information is smooth and facilitates intuitive learning in an attention-grabbing format. Interspersed with succinct and easily digestible miniparagraphs are magnified inserts and unifying factoids in orange and yellow bubbles. The full-page diagrams of the caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly are inviting and descriptive. Hobbie’s brief overview of the milkweed ecosystem and the monarch predators that are part of it is perfect for initiating classroom discussion. She discusses how the arriving butterflies coincide with Mexico’s Day of the Dead and are considered “a symbol of the spirits of the dead coming back to visit.” Baumert’s precise and exquisite illustrations flawlessly support and enhance the text. Her vibrant color palette slowly evolves from the bright greens of spring and monarch caterpillars to the oranges of fall and migrating butterflies. The final section describes the dangers threatening the monarchs’ survival, including loss of habitat, and provides suggested projects for citizen scientists. Also included are advocacy opportunities, enrichment activities, a glossary, and websites. Unfortunately, in an apparent oversight, Hobbie relocates Mexico to Central America in the backmatter. (This book was reviewed digitally with 11-by-22-inch double-page spreads viewed at actual size.)
An important wake-up call to help stem the decline of these monarchs of the skies.
(Informational picture book. 5-9)