Louise is Milo’s favorite human in the whole world.
The fluffy white dog will do anything to make her smile. Today, brown-skinned Louise has found a beautiful stick. It seems to make Louise happy when she throws it and Milo brings it back. If Stick is so important to her, he’ll see that she always has it. On her last throw, he’s unable to find Stick, but not to worry; he’ll get it somehow. First he searches the neighborhood, even putting up flyers depicting the lost Stick, while Louise is doing the same for her missing dog. But Stick is nowhere to be found. And so begins Milo’s great adventure. He travels far and wide, on trains and buses and airplanes, all over the world, checking every kind of stick he sees, and asking every person and animal, all to no avail. Finally, he realizes that he must go home, for deep down he knows that Louise loves him and will forgive him for not finding Stick. Milo tells his own tale from his doggy point of view and within the limits of his understanding of humans. He is a lovable, stalwart, and altogether wonderful picaresque hero. The lively, bright, and highly detailed illustrations add dimension and provide sharp-eyed readers with hints about Louise’s emotions, and especially her part as an instigator of the proceedings. Even the endpapers evoke a chuckle.
A delightful, heartwarming romp.
(Picture book. 4-7)