Kids won’t get the pun of the title, but they will definitely giggle at this superhero named Fang who’s disguised as an ordinary house cat. His tabby sentiments are expressed in first-person voice: “My Person doesn’t know it, but my real name is Fang. That’s her now. Mrs. Biddle.” Pan to Mrs. Biddle calling, “Here, Walter-kitty-kitty.” “If I’ve told her once, I’ve told her a thousand times . . . my name is FANG!” While Walter’s help with daily activities like making the bed and doing the crossword puzzle goes unappreciated by the Biddles, in his catnaps he is a swashbuckling supercat who saves the day. Awakened by endearments of Wally, Snookums and Baby, Walter deigns to answer, knowing full well that his real name is FANG. Cartoon ink-and-acrylic illustrations inject just the right amount of feline insouciance that cat fanciers will recognize from the sly expressions. Plump and brown-striped with one brown-ringed eye, Walter is a charmer. (Picture book. 5-8)