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THE VOYAGE OF LUCY P. SIMMONS by Barbara Mariconda


From the Voyage of Lucy P. Simmons series, volume 1

by Barbara Mariconda

Pub Date: Oct. 2nd, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-06-211979-7
Publisher: Katherine Tegen/HarperCollins

Magic helps an orphaned heiress fight a rapacious uncle out to steal the family fortune.

After her parents drown off the coast of Maine in 1906, Lucy is left in the care of her aunt. Unfortunately, Aunt Prudence is off in Australia tracking down a family curse, and greedy Uncle Victor steps in to control Lucy and the purse strings. Lucy has both her faithful servant and a good dose of magic on her side. She suspects that her uncle is up to no good and snoops through his papers, aided by beautiful magical mists. When her uncle decides to send her to boarding school, another magical creature shows up in the form of the teacher. The only other students at the school are three children desperately trying to avoid their drunken father, known as the Brute. Lucy tries to connect the dots between the teacher, a woman in a painting in her father’s study and a mysterious woman seen walking on the shore. Events come to a highly dramatic and visually stunning conclusion. However, Mariconda leaves the reader with unresolved threads. What is the source of the magic? What will happen on the next voyage? Adventurous possibilities await in a necessary second installment. (Historical fantasy. 8-12)