In this fast-paced sequel to Little Horse (2002), perilous events transport the diminutive Little Horse back to his beloved Valley of Little Horses. When a fierce storm pushes a tree onto Little Horse’s tiny stable, he escapes into the big stable, where a yellow-eyed cat chases him into a mouse hole. Little Horse escapes again, only to encounter wild horses, a wild fire, and a wild bird of prey. Evading each ordeal, Little Horse perseveres, eventually stumbling upon a familiar waterfall and home. Although text and illustrations allude to Little Horse’s miniature size, the story assumes readers are familiar with Little Horse. And while soft black-and-white illustrations provide snap-shot highlights of Little Horse’s action-packed adventures, they are not always in sequence with the text. An easy-read chapter book of modest depth with a plucky equine hero and lots of action. (Fiction. 5-9)