The first outing in the Christian-based supernatural-thriller series The Elijah Project features 16-year-old Zack, 13-year-old Piper and their six-year-old brother Elijah. Readers learn early on that Elijah possesses extraordinary healing powers and that his family has been moving frequently to keep him out of the clutches of a villain, dubbed Shadow Man, and his lackeys. But not enough is revealed about Elijah, his family or the Shadow Man to allow readers to truly get invested in the story. The plot consists mainly of the kids and their friends outsmarting and running away from the evildoers in an RV; in fact, they run and they run and they run until the story simply stops in an ending much too abrupt even for a book in a series. An overdose of mystery, the clipped ending and uneven writing undercut this title, but considering the high demand for kids’ Christian fiction and the proportionally short supply, it’s likely that The Elijah Project will find a devoted following nonetheless. (Thriller. 8-12)