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A Story About Facing Your Fears

by Brenda S. Miles ; illustrated by Monika Filipina

Pub Date: Oct. 1st, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-4338-3862-0
Publisher: Magination/American Psychological Association

Avi the avocado copes with his anxiety.

When Avi hears a loud “THUMP! THUD!” outside his window, his fear immediately begins to grow: “What if something fell from the sky? What if something is broken? What if I never know what happened?” From his window, he notices a large brown object; days pass, and finally, he braves the outdoors and decides to bury the object. After it rains and some time passes, Avi hears another “THUMP! THUD!” and meets an avocado who fell from the tree he didn’t realize he’d planted. And just like that, Avi meets avocado after avocado, who all invite him to engage and try new things. Eventually, he becomes an “adventurous avocado” who is willing to step into the unknown (and even hang out with chips and dip!), a model of what it means to take a “big, bold PLUNGE!” The book ends with a useful reader’s note aimed at parents and caregivers from clinical pediatric neuropsychologist Miles. Avi’s anxiety is realistic and relatable, and his eventual desensitization to his fears is clearly informed by Miles’ expertise. The decision to use an avocado pit—a play on the idea of having a pit in one’s stomach—is a clever visual metaphor. Filipina’s illustrations give Avi an endearing charm, his avocado world and friends richly brought to life. The story offers children a reference point for talking about their worries and adults a brief reference guide for supporting them. (This book was reviewed digitally.)

A reassuring story that doubles as a fantastic teaching and parenting tool.

(Picture book. 4-7)