Here they come again, those fiercely determined animals of Mossflower wood and its environs: intrepid or villainous, buckling their swashes, smiling sly grins, declaiming their resolution, and, above all, eating (``scoffin' '') their way through hazelnuts, raspberries, cream, ale, and other bounty. It's easy to tell the good guys from the bad: mice, squirrels, otters, hedgehogs, moles, and especially badgers are heroes, while rats, stoats, foxes, and reptiles are scum. Salamandastron- -a volcanic shell honeycombed with caves, lair of the mysterious badger lords and the hares of the Long Patrol—is now under siege by Feragho, the singularly nasty leader of the weasels and stoats. Does Redwall Abbey come into the tale? Are there hare- raising adventures and dread perils, including plague and poison? After mighty struggles, betrayal, heroism, and pluck, does right triumph over evil? Of course. Fans will rejoice—the familiar scenes and faces are all here. Speech patterns, feasts, offended dignity, voices from afar, and mysterious swords are recycled from book to book; but then, that's half the charm. (Fiction. 9+)