A brief overview of struggles with mental illness and approaches to treatment.
Starting with a general introduction to topics like depression and anxiety, readers encounter a basic survey of mental illnesses: conditions that have an impact on emotion, thinking patterns, and behavior choices. The work opens by looking at disability, financial and career effects, relationship stress, implications for academic achievement, and the recent impact of Covid. The second chapter addresses stigma, media representation, access to affordable care, and changing perceptions as public figures speak out about their experiences (which add a note of hope). The book then goes on to look at treatment, with individuals’ varying needs and treatment options being discussed, including psychotherapy, cognitive behavior therapy and other techniques, medication, and hospitalization. Long-term self-care approaches are also noted, such as exercise, engagement with the arts, animal therapy, and peer support. Diverse personal perspectives that offer practical insights into lifelong strategies enhance the work, grounding the topics while humanizing the overall detached tone. While a strong case is made for improving understanding of mental illness as a common reality for many, there is a somewhat oversimplified distinction between positive and negative states of emotion. Although the work is well organized in bite-sized chunks of language accessible to a range of readers, there is limited discussion of social contexts and factors that may influence well-being.
A clinical, introductory guide to understanding mental health.
(source notes, getting help and information, further research, index, picture credits) (Nonfiction. 12-18)