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by Carlene O'Connor

Pub Date: Feb. 20th, 2024
ISBN: 9781496744449
Publisher: Kensington

A much-delayed honeymoon to the seacoast turns into a murder hunt.

Garda Siobhán O’Sullivan and her husband, Detective Sergeant Macdara Flannery, have escaped the heat in their hometown by traveling to coastal Lahinch, taking along Siobhán’s five siblings. Upon arrival they check out two chip shops, Mr. Chips and Mrs. Chips, which are across the street from each other, and learn that Mr. Chips’ banner and mural have just been vandalized. The dueling owners went through a nasty divorce after Mr. Chips’ affair with Mrs. Chips’ best friend, so it seems likely that his ex-wife was the vandal. The line of people waiting outside Mrs. Chips, which should have been open by now but isn’t, includes a restaurant critic, a fish supplier, a cooking oil supplier, and a man who’s come to install a new vent hood. Because they can’t get into the shop, Macdara calls local handyman John Healy, who owns the inn where the family is staying. Once inside, they find Mrs. Chips dead. Although she appears to have fallen from a ladder, Siobhán has a hunch that she was murdered. The local Gardai arrive, headed by Detective Sergeant Liam Healy, the innkeeper’s grandson, who wants to believe Mrs. Chips’ death is an accident but is willing to consider murder. Macdara just wants to be a man of leisure, but Siobhán, who can never let a puzzle go unsolved, starts asking questions while her family members enjoy themselves and pursue new romantic attachments. Mrs. Chips had plenty of enemies, but when the next to die is John Healy, Siobhán and Macdara realize this case will be more complicated than they thought.

Irish charm, plenty of suspects, and some strange twists make for a winning combination.