Votaw’s second effort is an adorable look at how the animals Down Under wake up and greet the day (or night, as the case may be). Rhyming verses tell readers about 12 Australian animals and what they do when they first wake up. For many, this involves finding food. Along the way, children will learn a bit about each creature: “Wake up, spiny fellow, / Catch a termite snack. / Echidna, you’re so cute, / Though prickly on your back.” From the better-known kookaburra, koala, emu, dolphin and kangaroo, to the lesser-known bilby, rainbow lorikeet, platypus, wombat and sugar glider, the author covers a wide range of species. The final two pages feature a short paragraph of information about each featured animal. Banta’s acrylics combine the best of both worlds for her young audience—realistic-looking animals with adorable faces pictured in their natural habitats. No one will be able to read this without wanting to travel to see these creatures in person. (Picture book/nonfiction. 2-7)