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THE EMERALD FOREST by Catherine Ward


by Catherine Ward ; illustrated by Karin Littlewood

Pub Date: July 11th, 2023
ISBN: 9781913074142
Publisher: Otter-Barry

An orangutan family finds safety in a new home.

In her debut picture book, Ward offers young readers and listeners a simple, gentle example of the loss of jungle habitat in Sumatra and the efforts of humans to relocate the orangutans that had been living there. The story is generic, but the rescued animals at Bukit Tigapuluh National Park (Thirty Hills) are real and apparently thriving. Her account begins with a lyrical description of family life in their “emerald green forest,” which is unhappily interrupted by noise and smoke. The orangutan mother moves her family only for their lives to be disrupted again when a machine knocks down their tree. This is a scary moment, but, reassuringly, a friendly human (portrayed as Asian) leads them away. They’re rehomed in a new forest where other orangutans live and forage. There’s repetition, both in the description of approaching devastation and in the family’s activities: eating fruit, tree swinging, and building sleeping nests—salient facts about orangutan habits. The tale is enlivened by Littlewood’s colorful illustrations, which convey a remarkable sense of the lush jungle world. Full of motion, the preliminary orangutan sketches on the endpapers and in the backmatter are a nice touch. The jungle animals are portrayed realistically. The orangutan faces are very expressive, conveying sadness and terror as the machine destroys their home and, at the end, joy. (This book was reviewed digitally.)

An uplifting story of animal rescue.

(facts behind the story) (Informational picture book. 3-7)