Hapka and Young offer a new Curious George story, written and illustrated in a style similar to that of the misbehaving monkey’s creators, Margret and H.A. Rey. In this Christmastime adventure, the man with the yellow hat takes George for a visit to a Christmas tree farm. Of course, George has to swing from tree to tree like the monkey he is, eventually climbing the tallest tree on the farm. The tree is cut down and transported by truck to a children’s hospital with Curious George hanging from the treetop. At the hospital, George gets into his typical sort of mischief, including decorating the tree with items stolen from patients’ rooms, but because George makes the children laugh, he’s allowed to stay for the hospital’s holiday party. He helps redecorate the tree in a more traditional manner and is asked by Santa to place the star on top of the tree. Children who love Curious George will like this latest adventure, and the story is shorter and more accessible than some of the longer original entries in the series. (Picture book. 3-7)