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PUDDLE TROUBLE by Charise Mericle Harper


From the Pepper & Boo series, volume 2

by Charise Mericle Harper ; illustrated by Charise Mericle Harper

Pub Date: Sept. 21st, 2021
ISBN: 978-0-7595-5508-2
Publisher: Little, Brown

One cat and two dogs are faced with a rainy day.

“Twelve paws like to play outside.” But whom do they belong to? Book 2 in the series reintroduces Pepper and Boo, both dogs, who share a total of eight paws. The last four belong to Cat. On a rainy day, both Cat and Pepper would rather stay indoors (though Cat assures readers it’s not from fear of water). And even after Boo lists all the outdoor fun that can be had in the rain, Pepper wants to stay indoors since their thin fur is not warm enough. That’s when Boo gets busy searching for a “fun coat.” One is so tight Pepper can’t move, and another is so hilariously big Boo can’t tell which end of Pepper is which. When at last they find the perfect coat (after Cat reminds readers that “cat fur is perfect”), the dogs discover the rain has stopped and Pepper’s perfect coat is now too warm for a sunny day. With illustrations that show an explosive splash and equally explosive Cat “YEOWR!” the eminently doggy solution to this new problem creates “puddle trouble” for Cat. With a keen sense of pet psychology, Harper presents the two dogs interacting mostly with each other via speech balloons and Cat addressing readers directly with an extremely opinionated and funny monologue. (This book was reviewed digitally.)

A realistic slapstick tribute to the differences between cats and dogs.

(Graphic early reader. 5-8)