Fantasy elements weave magic into a realistic tale of a little girl compelled by circumstance to live in the big noisy city, but whose heart resides in the fragrant countryside of her happiest days. An authority on Mythology, Anna's father abandons his new book for a TV job in which his knowledge could be aptly applied. Overwork and city life drain his energies and land him in a hospital forcing Anna and her mother into a stuffy city apartment nearby. With her "magic" copper penny Anna goes out on daddy's birthday to bring him something reminiscent of the country, perhaps a flower from the corner florist. From that moment on, strange wonderful things begin happening. Seemingly from nowhere a stranger with purple eyes appears and offers Anna a magic seed which he insists will bloom into the most lavishly decorative plant imaginable. And so it does. Father's excitement over his gift and its obvious link to the last myth he was working on results in his recovery and the family's return to the glorious countryside and their home.