A bright, informative guide to period positivity.
Quint, a menstruation educator, wants to enable her audience to destigmatize periods through knowledge and makes sure to explain that her work isn’t intended only for “period owners.” Her illustrated offering is broken down into three sections: “The Basics,” “Managing Periods,” and “Period Positivity.” “The Basics” explains the anatomy (both internal and external) of people who have periods and the phases of the menstrual cycle. The second section discusses the mechanics of having a period, from charting to choosing menstrual supplies (with an emphasis on sustainability). There is no discussion of how trans and nonbinary kids may face particular challenges in schools or other public places, however. “Period Positivity” goes a step further, relating menstruation to the world at large, breaking down taboos, overcoming shame, and examining media depictions of periods over time. Throughout, Quint adds personal anecdotes and reflections about her own past period perceptions. Some activities may not be for everyone (like making vulva cupcakes), but Quint’s guide is conversational, accessible, and, with its linguistic emphasis on all people who have periods, inclusive. Medeiros’ bold, full-color illustrations show a diverse spectrum of kids with a range of skin tones, gender presentations, sexual orientations, ability, and body sizes. A glossary and index are included. The skimpy list of resources enumerates only three websites (one of which is the author’s).
An inclusive and timely guide.
(Nonfiction. 8-12)