An imaginary expedition to find a mythical sea creature.
Savage’s new book follows a similar storyline as her debut, The Search for the Giant Arctic Jellyfish (2023). Light-skinned Dr. Rose, an intrepid marine biologist, gathers a diverse crew to prove the existence of an elusive, legendary sea creature that resembles a giant squid, though its species is never identified. Carmella, as they call the beast, supposedly “roams the deepest, darkest oceans, lighting up the water with its magic.” To track the creature, Dr. Rose descends into the ocean in a submersible, along with brown-skinned pilot Anne and Stanley the dog. It’s not clear where this expedition takes place, but there are flamingoes on the ship’s deck and flying nearby. “Mile after mile, they see absolutely nothing at all,” but readers are in on Savage’s hide-and-seek game: Lurking above the submersible is a giant crimson tentacle likely belonging to Carmella. Dr. Rose and Anne don’t see the tentacle, but they delight in the oddball gossamer glowing white creatures floating around them, “some tiny, some spiny, some like squishy, shimmering jelly,” artfully and whimsically illustrated in ink and watercolor. The women keep searching but never glimpse what readers see as Carmella lurks below them, culminating in a beautiful spread of the submersible reflected in the eye of the beast. As with her previous book, Savage includes playful ship cutaways that show the activities of the crew on board.
(Picture book. 3-7)