Language chosen for its sound at least as much as for its meaning lends an improvisatory air to this rendition of Prokofiev’s musical tale, and theatrical illustrations definitely kick things up an additional notch. Having introduced themselves, the bird and the duck fall into an argument—“And the bird answers back: D-ducky d-dacky d-docky d-deeky. / And the duck answers back: Waieo, waieo, waieo, waieo”—before the cat and the wolf enter, Peter lassos the wolf and the hunters (“We are the men, / We are the men, / We are the men who hunt…”) arrive to carry the captive off in triumph. For the art, Raschka alternates stylized pictures of the characters drawn in thick crayon and daubs of color with photos of elaborately decorated, ingeniously designed stage sets constructed from layers of cut and painted paper. He does make changes to the original’s cast and plot in order to make the happy ending more explicit, but he’s far from the first to do that. Among the plethora of Peters, his stands out for its seamless, jazzy match of verbal and visual exuberance. (Picture book. 6-8)