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A MIND AWAKE by C.S. Lewis


An Anthology of C.S. Lewis

by C.S. Lewis

Pub Date: Nov. 5th, 1969
Publisher: Harcourt, Brace & World

Edited by Clyde S. Kilby, this is an eminently Sastisfying anthology of the "essential wisdom" of the late C.S. Lewis, probably the most available and popular apologist for Christian orthodoxy in our time. This is primarily a group of brief statements having to do with Christian themes; and Mr. Kilby's purpose of supplying "pungent and provocative" ideas which are self-contained, is admirably served. The excerpts from the works of Lewis are grouped by theme: The Nature of Man, The Moral World, The Bible, Sin, Hell and Heaven, The Christian Commitment, etc. Certainly Lewis was a master logician Who threw down the gauntlet with wit and style. Logicians theologically Oriented (or even philosophers) many cower at: "If nothing is self evident, nothing can be proved. Similarly if nothing is obligatory for its own sake, nothing is obligatory at all." However, there is a sweep and grandeur to: "The human mind has no more power of inventing a new value than of imagining a new primary color..." Screwtape devotees will enjoy such wry admonitions as: "We want... not so much of a Father in Heaven as a grandfather in heaven... who... 'liked: to see young people enjoying themselves.'" Readable and stimulating.