The story of the Nativity is introduced to young children in simple rhyming text. The progressive journey to Bethlehem first shows Mary and Joseph, then a band of golden angels, the shepherds and their flocks, and finally the wise men on camelback, all hurrying to their important destination. Each spread has just three lines of large-type text, with the repeating refrain of “Off to Bethlehem!” changing to “Here in Bethlehem!” for the last two spreads. The short text includes lots of action verbs that fairly beg for a group reading or readers theater, and the large type size and repeating elements will also encourage beginning readers to read this Nativity story themselves. Alley’s (The Real, True Dulcie Campbell, p. 952, etc.) watercolor illustrations in a muted palette show a busy, crowded Bethlehem, with expressive faces on both humans and animals. Pale golden endpapers show a peaceful shepherd with his flock outside Bethlehem, and the same scene with the band of angels surrounding the Christmas star on the back endpapers. (Picture book/nonfiction. 3-7)