Five teens with supernatural powers move to New York City, where they cause mayhem at an exclusive prep school. The source of their powers is their mysterious, beautiful governess, Nicola Vileroy, who adopted the children when they were ten years old. Each child has a deadly weakness for her to exploit, but only three have made deals with Vileroy, the devil, for their souls. These three—beautiful Belle, ambitious Victoria and mischievous poet Valentin—give up more and more of their being to Vileroy as they aspire to ever loftier academic and social goals. The two others, athletic Christian and Belle’s twin, Bicé, live in ignorance of their siblings’ deals. The teens’ story is told in detailed, gothic language. The devil, however, is in the lack of details: Although some of the characters are interesting, the preludes at the beginning of each chapter may be difficult for readers to place in context. Faustian references abound, including a love interest named Thomas Goodman-Brown. By switching character viewpoints often, the authors keep the pace moving to an ending full of action, revelation and horror. (Supernatural fiction. YA)