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THE PORTAL KEEPER by David A.  Robertson


From the Misewa Saga series, volume 4

by David A. Robertson

Pub Date: Oct. 10th, 2023
ISBN: 9781774880258
Publisher: Tundra Books

“Do you guys almost get killed or have to save the world, or somebody, every time you come here?”

The “guys” in question are Morgan and Eli, the Cree foster siblings who have moved between Earth and Askí for adventures aplenty in the previous three volumes of the Misewa Saga. They are talking to Emily, Morgan’s white girlfriend, who has traveled with them to this magical world populated by Cree-speaking animals called pisiskowak. In this volume, they learn that humans from Earth have somehow crossed into Askí and are kidnapping pisiskowak for display in a Winnipeg zoo. The focus in this outing changes from Morgan to Eli, who learns that his portal-opening powers are more extensive than he’d imagined. Though he shifts perspective, Robertson (Norway House Cree Nation) nevertheless delivers what series fans have come to expect: fast-paced adventure, humorous banter, and tender explorations of Indigenous experiences. Pisiskowak characters from earlier adventures make welcome returns, and the new animal beings the kids meet are excellent additions to the cast. One uses they/them pronouns, extending the series’ LGBTQ+ content beyond Morgan and Emily’s relationship. Critical revelations about Eli’s heritage and a bloody battle both close the tale and open the way for the next entry.

Robertson’s now-familiar formula satisfies once again.

(map, pronunciation guide, glossary) (Fantasy. 10-14)