Sequel to Changeling (2006), the plot of this overlong fantasy is simple: A young human girl who has been raised by a magic white rat and a Pooka must find and return a magical talisman in order to save her Central Park home from danger. The fact that she has recently begun studies at Miss Van Loon’s School for Mortal Changelings both hinders and helps. Neef has scant time to pursue her quest, but she does learn new skills and make new friends willing to assist her. Readers familiar with the first book should have no trouble sorting out the many different kinds of Folk, but those new to the scene may feel at a loss. Names and attributes are often clever allusions, but many may sail right over the heads of the intended audience. Will kids today really understand why snooty Tiffany changes her name to Woolworth when she comes down in the world? Still, the imaginative rendering of a familiar city populated by fictional characters and magical beings may be enough to entice readers to overlook the inside jokes and broad characterizations. (Fantasy. 10-14)