Friends and lovers.
Their first kiss all those years ago felt . . . well, not friendly. Something more than that. Intense. At least that’s what Aaron thought at the time, but he never wanted to lose a true friend like Nina. Born on the same day, in Brooklyn and Queens, respectively, but only minutes apart, they’ve been through good times and bad together. Problem is, knowing each other that well over the course of 25 years leaves them with no romantic illusions whatsoever—so will their sudden passion last? Authors Millner and Chiles (In Love and War, 2003; the Blackboard bestselling What Sistahs Know series, etc.) deftly split the narrative into his-and-hers POVs to chronicle a tumultuous affair that means more than the lovers want to admit to each other, or to themselves. Aaron, a photographer who grew up comfortably middle-class, likes to walk on the wild side and works at a strip club. Nina, whose struggling single mother never knew where their next dollar was coming from, thinks he oughta get a real job. Fight about it? Hell, yes. But love makes it right.
Another earthy, funny, juicy winner, the third from this husband-and-wife team.