Minnie and Moo, two cows anyone would like to have in their pasture, are on the prowl for an Easter Bunny proxy in their 11th caper. The farmer is feeling his years and has declined the role of Easter Bunny, so Minnie and Moo embark on a search for a substitute. But the chicken has sore feet and the piglet can’t find his mother to get permission; the sheep are too equivocating (“ ‘Can’t you make up your own minds?’ Minnie asked. ‘Well, yes,’ said another sheep. ‘And no,’ said another. ‘Sometimes,’ said one”) and the turkeys just plain clueless (“I didn’t even know bunnies laid eggs”). The job, of course, falls to Minnie and Moo, but all the other animals soon join them. They rendezvous in the tool shed to costume up, which scares the gee whillikers out of the farmer when he inadvertently enters the shed (hence the title). Cazet’s cockeyed good cheer is in fine form here—a simple pleasure of verbal dexterity—as is his art: Elvis the chicken’s costume—bedraggled rabbit ears crowning his scrawny head—is worth framing. (Easy reader. 4-8)