When Mexico, four decades after winning independence, could not repay borrowed funds from France, the French Army invaded. Although the Mexicans won the first battle on May 5 (cinco de mayo), 1862, the French carried the war and took over the country for four years. Today, Mexicans and Mexican-Americans celebrate that one day of victory on Cinco de Mayo. This offering retells the history of the holiday, provides information about Benito Juárez, the president in 1862, and Mexican immigration and then focuses on the Rosas family and their young daughter, Rosie, from a town near San Francisco. Through Migdale’s vibrant photos and Hoyt-Goldsmith’s descriptive language, the holiday comes alive with tasty food, mariachi music, dancers showing off their clothing and steps (Rosie is a talented dancer) and charros (cowboys) whirling lariats and riding horses. In trying to be comprehensive, the text becomes a bit heavy at times, but this talented author/photographer team provides a sensory experience for its target audience and lots of information for adults working with young people. (glossary, map, index) (Nonfiction. 8-12)