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THE SHARING BOOK by Dianne White


by Dianne White ; illustrated by Simone Shin

Pub Date: June 13th, 2023
ISBN: 9780823443475
Publisher: Margaret Ferguson/Holiday House

A merry group shares special experiences on a camping trip.

A just-about perfect day begins when two children—one brown-skinned, one tan-skinned—and a tan-skinned adult marvel at a glorious sunrise and revel in the realization that TODAY is for sharing. Things just get better from there. The family greets the other campers—who are diverse in skin tone and age—and the brown-skinned child waves to a lighter-skinned friend; throughout, this pair can be seen hugging, playing, and holding hands. The campers all play games, hike, share meals, and go boating. The fun continues well into the night as everyone gathers by a campfire to sing songs. The outing turns out to be a warm, memorable one for all concerned, joyfully expressed through bouncy, lilting rhymes (“A hammock is perfect / for dreaming. A chair / is just right for three”). Emphasizing warmth, good feelings, and togetherness, this sweet tale about a most enjoyable excursion makes for a cozy lap-time or group read-aloud. The colorful, exuberant art, both hand-painted and digitally rendered, captures the expansiveness of the outdoors as well as the openness of the campers’ spirits. Adults reading this tale aloud should encourage children to discuss their own outdoor or camping exploits. (This book was reviewed digitally.)

A book to be shared again and again.

(Picture book. 4-7)