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LITTLE OWL'S SNOW by Divya Srinivasan


by Divya Srinivasan ; illustrated by Divya Srinivasan

Pub Date: Dec. 4th, 2018
ISBN: 978-0-670-01651-8
Publisher: Viking

The whimsical little owl with the huge eyes is back (Little Owl’s Day, 2014, etc.), exploring the joys of a new and unfamiliar season.

Feeling a chill in the air, he thinks, “Something is happening!” The leaves are changing color and beginning to fall, geese are flying away, and many animals are preparing to hibernate. “Bear sleeps through all the fun,” Raccoon explains. As he flits through the silent forest, Little Owl sees the magic of winter. Snow begins to fall, and the forest is transformed into a crystalline fairyland. Tracks appear in the snow, fish swim under the frozen pond. Little Owl starts to miss his hibernating friends, especially Bear and Hedgehog, but Mama encourages him to enjoy the snow, “a special secret not everyone can know.” Little Owl finds he can still have fun playing in the snow with everyone who is awake through the winter. Srinivasan’s stylized illustrations are colorful tapestries on black backgrounds depicting a realistic variety of fall and winter foliage and animal life. The forest floor is rich with mushrooms, nuts, leaves, and berries. Bear’s paws and mouth are stained with the blueberries he is gorging in preparation for his long sleep.

A gentle encouragement to explore and get the best out of unfamiliar situations.

(Picture book. 2-6)