In 1965, schools in Drew, Miss. remained strictly segregated in spite of the 11-year-old Supreme Court decision declaring segregation unconstitutional. Bertha and Matthew Carter decided to enroll their children in the all-white schools. For years afterward, they dealt with the loss of their livelihood, daily taunts and humiliations and violence. The struggle finally eased a little when a few more black children enrolled in the white schools. Rappaport is careful to use documented facts and dialogue to impart the loneliness, courage and determination of this remarkable, extraordinary family. James’s strong, heavily outlined illustrations emphasize the powerful family dynamics in the face of hatred. Nevertheless, there is something lacking. Its determined simplicity expunges much information from the text; questions will surely follow. Many additional interesting details are found in the introduction, author’s note and most especially in the Carter Family History. Intended for all ages, the youngest readers will need the guidance of adults in understanding the work as a complete entity. (bibliography) (Picture book/nonfiction. 8-10)