The story of Military Working Dogs and Specialized Search Dogs is presented in a fascinating, full-color volume.
Nine thousand dogs served in World War II. More than 30 breeds were trained, but only seven actually served: Belgian sheepdogs, Doberman pinschers, American Eskimo dogs, farm collies, German shepherds, malamutes and Siberian huskies. Four thousand dogs served in Vietnam, and hundreds died in combat. Patent sketches the history of dogs in war from ancient times to World Wars I and II and on to modern wars—Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s dogs’ “super senses” of sight, sound and smell, and their capacity to bond with soldiers that make them so useful in military theaters. They uncovered hidden tunnels in Vietnam, find dangerous land mines in Afghan villages, and locate weapons, explosives and drugs at home and abroad. They leap from aircraft with soldiers (and wear “doggles” to protect their eyes), don K9 Storm Intruder™ vests and wear booties to protect their feet on ice. Besides describing the use of MWDs in various wars, this lively, bursting-with-color volume covers the life of the canine forces from puppy to MWD to retirement. The straightforward text and color photographs celebrate the bonds between dogs and handlers that are so crucial in modern warfare.
A sure hit with dog lovers everywhere.
(timeline, glossary, further resources, index) (Nonfiction. 7-12)