Patent (Prairies, 1996, etc.) describes the unusual adaptations of many types of tree frogs, including those that live on the forest floor and others that never venture to the ground, gliding between branches on webbed feet. She covers poisonous frogs as well as unusual mating and egg-laying practices; while the text is compelling, so much information is provided it is sometimes difficult to follow. Instead of describing one type of frog at a time—its appearance, life cycle, habitat—Patent discusses the adaptations of many different species to one topic: diet, camouflage, etc. Vibrantly colored, intensively active, the double-page spreads of rain- forest frogs by newcomer Jubb captivate viewers; as many as 20 animals are displayed in a single painting. Waldo fans will enjoy the hunt even as they long for a key to identify the species of plants and animals. So much is happening in the paintings it is hard to focus on the text, usually tucked away on a leaf. Endpapers give a map of the world with rain forests indicated and locations for a few of the species discussed. While the book is without scientific names, sizes, and range information, and is not conventionally organized, it's a beautiful and concise look at a surprisingly varied subject. (index) (Picture book/nonfiction. 7-12)