Dorothy Sayers is widely and favorably known in this country as well as in England as the author of deservedly popular detective novels. In this book she appears as a deeply spiritual interpreter of the life of Christ and as a skilled craftsman in the presentation of that life in a dramatic form designed especially for radio broadcasting. This is a brilliant piece of work in its interpretation of the life of Christ and in the construction of what she calls "a play-cycle" of twelve dramatic episodes. In her introduction, the author explains the reasons for the presentation and for the methods used, and preceding each episode she gives a penetrating analysis of each character that is designed presumably for the guidance of those who would present it. In view of the great popularity of Fulton Oursler's The Greatest Story Ever Told both on the radio and in its book form, one might expect a most favorable reception for this presentation, except for the fact that it is very similar. Miss Sayer's production, however, is adaptable for presentation in Church drama groups and for these it should be most valuable, while for the general public reading it should have a wide appeal.