One of a pair of unusually well-designed and appealing flap books (the other is Puppy and Me, ISBN 0-525-45080-7). Here, a boy and girl are shown at six times of day, in different rooms or outdoors, with their cat in typical activities that frequently parallel their own. Sometimes the hidden cat is revealed by lifting a flap (sleeping under the bed where the boy is just waking); or sometimes lifting a flap that already displays the cat advances the action (she's first seen eating neatly under the breakfast table, then with her dish up-ended). Stott's warm, funny art is nicely observed and imaginatively rendered. Flap books are so popular with kids and parents alike that it's too bad more of them aren't of this high caliber. Printed on sturdy stock that will stand up to many rereadings. (Picture book. 1-5)