A charming pink pig enjoys reading books of different sorts in different places, leading to the creation of a book of his own.
With short sentences and simple vocabulary, Florian spins a clever tale that will please both new readers and younger children just getting used to stories with a real plot. The first and last pages repeat the titular phrase, “Pig is big on books.” That expression may need some explanation from an adult, but it’s a useful idiomatic phrase that little kids might find amusing. Pig is shown reading his beloved books at home, at school, on the bus, and on his mom’s lap (sharing The 3 Pigs, naturally). But one day Pig just can’t find any books to read, so he solves his problem by creating his own book—the very book readers are holding. This delightful twist ending is made believable by Florian’s naïve illustration style using gouache, watercolor, colored pencil, and collage elements. It’s just possible to imagine that a talented youngster (human or porcine) might have created these appealing illustrations, though adult readers will recognize the skill needed to convey this childlike artistic style. The illustrations of Pig and his animal friends use a bright palette of citrus shades with a dreamy, sunny atmospheric effect.
A subtle, accomplished story with few words but a big overall effect.
(Early reader. 2-8)