Sergio the Argentinian penguin loves drinking, splashing and playing with water, but he can’t swim—which makes for some anxious moments when his class takes a field trip to the ocean. Screwing his courage to the sticking place after agonies of indecision (“It’s scary!” “It’s just water!” “It’s dark!” “It’s clear!”), he tumbles clumsily down the cliff and with a huge splash disappears completely. Using pale, thinly applied woodblock inks and digital media, Rodriguez creates very simple-looking scenes featuring a tubby, long-beaked penguin (outfitted with snorkel, goggles and floaties on both wings) diving into a glassy turquoise sea. Eventually Sergio rises with another mighty splash and proceeds to have a ball. Maybe next time he’ll leave off the floaties? “Sergio will have to think about that….” Sergio comes with his own website, but a celebrity like Olivia he’s not—more of an everypenguin, whose angst in the face of new experiences will strike a chord in many young children. (Picture book. 5-7)