A fair, well-balanced account of abuses of human rights through covert action by government agencies, presenting stories from Eastern Europe, Central America, the Middle East, and the US, and incorporating just enough historical background for basic understanding, including some international involvement (e.g., US training of Central American torturers and Israeli training of the Iranian Savak). Few grisly details of torture, but the political atmosphere that's created is well conveyed. Landau is careful to balance legitimate security needs of governments with the rights of citizens—e.g., ``Under the circumstances, some Israelis believe that the Shin Bet's tactics are acceptable. But others insist that any nation is seriously undermined whenever such actions are justified in its defense.'' The author recommends support for nongovernment human rights organizations like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International and appends a list of their addresses. B&w photos; notes; further reading; index. (Nonfiction. 12+)