This journey to a parallel world is competent but unexceptional. Thirteen-year-old Felix, traveling despite his potentially fatal heart condition, stands on the Costa Rican Continental Divide, passes out, and ends up in a dimension where mythical creatures are real and humans are thought to be mythical. He makes friends with a tangle-child herbalist, and they work with others to stop an evil japegrin from marketing dangerous medicinal potions. Interwoven is Felix’s personal quest for a potential heart remedy. Felix finally returns to his own world, but so does the evil japegrin, promising a hazard to humans that will probably begin the series’ next entry. Pedestrian new names for classic mythical beings (pixies are “japegrins,” unicorns “brittlehorns”) are distracting, but worse is the unexamined question of why English is the explicitly acknowledged language of this realm entered through Costa Rica. Fine, but less creative than it sounds. (Fiction. 8-12)