Ostrich is not the best at anything, or is he? All the other animals seem to be bigger, older, faster, stronger, and cleverer than Ostrich and they waste no time in pointing it out to him. Unfortunately as they demonstrate their superiority, they do not seem to notice all the other animals they are stepping on, hitting with logs, knocking out of trees, and running over. Ostrich manages to catch the koala and the baby birds as they are knocked from the trees and offers aid to the injured monkey, mice, and flamingo. After all the teasing, Ostrich is feeling pretty low until all the rescued animals point out that while he might not be faster than the cheetah or stronger than the elephant, he is certainly the kindest of all the animals. While the concept that everyone is good at something is clear, the illustrations that are needed to support the story are not. Loosely drawn, the illustrations are sometimes little more than doodles. It is also unclear why Owl states that two plus two is five if he is actually cleverer. Fun, but not a standout. (Picture book. 3-6)