Fifteen adventures of the vain, clever mischief-maker who is a central figure in Cherokee animal stories, including several pourquoi tales, a cognate of ``Br'er Rabbit and the Tar Baby,'' and a delightful ``Rabbit Races with Turtle'' in which, for once, Rabbit is bested not by plodding determination but by guile. Each has a full-page illustration enclosed in a patterned border, in deep, intense colors on a dark ground. Both Ross and Jacob are of Cherokee descent. Excellent for telling or reading aloud, to accompany Native American studies, or to compare with rabbit tales from other traditions, this is an entry in the Parabola Storytime Series, which presents stories and myths by leading storytellers, artists, and musicians of Native American tribes, vetted by tribal elders; print versions include illustrations ``from artists authentic to the tradition''; audio versions are available from HarperAudio. (Folklore. 6+)