In the midst of ongoing war, a team of Jedi and Republic Pathfinders vanish during a mission to provide emergency fuel for a planet in energy crisis.
Jedi Padawan Rooper Nitani, a 14-year-old human with brown skin and eyes, eagerly anticipates the thrill of an adventure when she, her master, and their Pathfinder team follow a distressed message from another Jedi Master who reports sabotage and an ambush. They travel to the planet Aubadas, home of the Katikoot, an advanced civilization of flightless, batlike people. A promise to help with fuel supply problems sent the missing team to the mines of Gloam, Aubadas’ polluted and dying twin planet, but only the Katikoot guide returned alive from the mission after monsters attacked them. With the lives of her allies and the future of a whole civilization on the line, Rooper struggles with the heavy realities of her responsibility as a Jedi. The looming threat of further sabotage forewarned by the inciting distress message heightens the suspense as Rooper ventures into danger. Intertwining themes of environmental disaster, the detrimental impacts of capitalism, and what it means to be a monster play a significant role in the conflict. Sweeping action sequences, well-timed shifts among different points of view, and a touch of levity from bantering droids all add to the story’s appeal. Final art not seen.
A high-stakes, coming-of-age adventure with relevant real-world themes.
(timeline) (Fantasy. 10-16)