Meg's honest, first-person entry in the ``Get Real!'' series tells of a less usual route to drugs—prescriptions after a head injury—but the results are still devastating. By high school, this upper-class teen was into acid, sex for drugs, and high- speed car races. Placement in group and foster homes for incorrigibility did no good. Before rehabilitation was begun in earnest, she had a history of abortion, dealing, stealing, and arrests. Speaking after two drug-free years, Meg has gone to college and is taking calculus; she works, cleaning homes for a living, and is now involved in positive relationships. The post- rehab group she cites as most helpful is PRIDE (Parent Resource Institute and Drug Education). As in Joey's Story (1991), Berger does a believable, engaging job with this type of real-life presentation. Resource list; posed b&w photos simulate the events. (Nonfiction. 12+)