The talented Pinkney family collaborated in the creation of this inspirational collection of traditional Christian hymns and related psalms.
Gloria Jean Pinkney selected the texts and recorded a CD of the hymns (included with the volume). Some of the musical selections are African-American spirituals such as “Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho” and “Go Down, Moses,” while others are traditional Sunday school songs with an old-fashioned flavor. The illustrations include striking watercolors of African-American angels by Jerry Pinkney, vibrant paintings by Brian Pinkney, and photographs of children singing and worshipping by Miles C. Pinkney.
Additional materials include a short introduction for adults by Troy Pinkney-Ragsdale and a biographical essay with family photographs by Gloria Jean Pinkney about the significance of music and religion in her life.
(Nonfiction. 4-10)