Parents enumerate the traits they pray their child will have in life.
Every parent hopes for the best for their child, but best means different things to different people. For this small, tan-skinned family, success is rooted in God and biblical teachings: “take the narrow road,” “grow righteousness,” “speak the truth in love.” Ardeleanu’s brightly colored, imaginative illustrations round out the at times opaque text; “I pray you’ll give in secret, / but your kindness will be bold” shows wrapped gifts floating down on parachutes from a blimp. But they can’t always illuminate the text. “I pray you’ll sharpen others / (maybe learn to juggle swords?)” shows two children in armor juggling swords, but readers’ takeaway lesson isn’t at all clear. Other messages may be concerning: A page about being brave and not letting fear rule you because God is always near could lead to kids’ thinking it’s OK to take risks since God will always save them. Another page encourages kids to “Sing because God gives you breath, / not to get awards.” Are awards bad? Is pursuing passions wrong? The ABCB rhyming scheme keeps the pages turning, and the children depicted are racially and ethnically diverse, though all have similar body types. (This book was reviewed digitally.)
A mixed message/muddle of a parental prayer.
(Religious picture book. 3-7)