“This story is told in 12 sentences (start counting NOW!)” First, a cat runs into the story and cries HELP; a dog and mouse come in; the cat whispers in the mouse’s ear; mouse whispers in dog’s ear; mouse leaps onto cat; cat and mouse leap onto dog; mouse shakes head and cries HELP and two more mice climb on the dog and cat; dog, cat, and three mice shout HEAVE HO and the refrigerator door opens. In the last sentence, a gallon of milk, cheese and sausages fall to the floor where there is a pleasant dinner “at least until the 12th sentence ends.” Here, the illustration shows the shadow of a person looming over the animals, all of whom have startled expressions. Cheeky cartoon artwork effectively incorporates shadows throughout the scenes, creating a mildly ominous anticipation that builds to the surprise ending. A clever concept and cleverer execution will have preschoolers giggling over the outcome. A simple tale of tails with a subtle message of teamwork. (Picture book. 3-5)