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by Helen Cooper

Pub Date: Dec. 5th, 2023
ISBN: 9780593544907
Publisher: Putnam

When Lucy looks at photos of her colleague’s honeymoon in the Maldives, she’s shocked to notice the husband of one of her best friends, arms entwined with an unknown woman.

Over the last 15 years, Lucy has created a perfect life for herself in Leicester, England. A teaching job at a local school; a husband, Adam, whom she loves; two children, Fran and Tilly, who couldn’t make her happier; and family friends who are their match: Cora, Scott, Ivy, and Joe. Cora, Scott, and Adam were all housemates at university, and Ivy and Joe arrived around the same time as Lucy’s own children. The families are inseparable, the children friends, and impromptu barbecues and midweek dinners have evolved into a jointly purchased seaside cottage in Norfolk, which the adults are renovating on the weekends. It is this idyllic life and family network that Lucy feels is threatened by clear evidence that Scott is having an affair. Why else would he be in the Maldives rather than in Japan on a business trip as he claimed? Adam tells her to leave it alone, but she keeps digging, especially when the woman in the picture turns out to be Juliet Noor, a journalist-turned-novelist who goes missing on the island where she was writing, eventually turning up dead. While the novel starts with what appears to be a typical obsessive-wife-won’t-stop-digging-even-though-her-husband-tells-her-to-stop storyline that feels a little worn, it unexpectedly unfolds into far, far more as Lucy races to discover who has killed Juliet—and just how many people in her close circle are involved.

A clever plot, richly characterized, that explores how choices can cascade to unravel a seemingly happy life.