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KNIFE'S EDGE by Hope Larson


From the Four Points series, volume 2

by Hope Larson ; illustrated by Rebecca Mock

Pub Date: June 27th, 2017
ISBN: 978-0-374-30044-9
Publisher: Margaret Ferguson/Farrar, Straus & Giroux

The Dodge siblings return to the high seas in search of treasure.

In this sequel to Compass South (2016), white, redheaded twins Alexander and Cleopatra Dodge, 12, have discovered not only the whereabouts of their missing adoptive father, but also the truth about the two items—a knife and a compass—bequeathed to them by their mother, Hester. The twins, their adoptive father, a white man, and Capt. Tarboro, a black man, set off aboard the Almira for the Marshall Islands in search of a vast treasure. Along the way, the twins learn more about the enigmatic Hester and her ties to their archenemy, the fearsome pirate Felix Worley, who is racing them to the treasure. Larson’s tale takes an insular turn within this volume, offering exciting back story for her well-established cast of characters. With a keen eye on Cleo, the lone girl trying to carve out her place among a shipful of 19th-century men, Larson further explores gender roles and identity. Richly colored illustrations breathe life into the rough seas and tropical locales; however, readers must use a discerning eye for sartorial differences to keep the nearly identical-looking twins straight. As in its predecessor, every question answered leads the twins to more questions to be asked, and it ends with a breath-catching cliffhanger.

An action-packed sophomore volume, with no loss of wind in its sails.

(Graphic adventure. 8-13)