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OLIVIA FORMS A BAND by Ian Falconer Kirkus Star


From the Olivia series

by Ian Falconer & illustrated by Ian Falconer

Pub Date: June 6th, 2006
ISBN: 1-4169-2454-X
Publisher: Anne Schwartz/Random

Falconer adds a new color for this fourth offering in readers’ long-standing love affair with the inimitable Olivia—and she still rules. The occasion is a family outing to a fireworks display. Disappointed that there will be no band, Olivia decides to make her own. Deserted by her disobliging family, she spends the day hilariously rounding up all the instruments necessary to turn herself into a one-pig band. “To Olivia, she sounded just like a real band.” (Cue the double-page fold-out in “Tempo marziale.”) At departure time, Olivia decides to abandon the band and apply makeup. Amazing makeup. This evokes a rare, blunt response from Everymom: “ . . . you’re gorgeous! Now wipe that glop off your face.” After the most glorious of sunsets and magical fireworks displays, the exhausted family is home to bed, where Olivia dreams yet another BIG dream with herself seated self-assuredly in—well, we won’t spoil the surprise. So consummately consistent are Falconer’s characterizations and so perceptive are Olivia’s constant fans, that every deft facial nuance will be met with squeals of approval for the most popular pig in America—and her long-suffering mother. (Picture book. 4+)

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